Our Story

Happy 8th Anniversary

In the summer of 2005, the late Brother James Brimm, one of my Men’s Sunday School class teachers, asked if Glenda and I would come into his home Saturdays, to teach Bible Study lessons. The plan was that Jim and Lottie would invite a few friends into their home biweekly for 2 hours, to be taught basic Bible information. We didn’t discuss a period of time to teach these lessons, but I figured we would do one (1) short book of the Bible and by the end of the class, about 8 to 9 sessions; we would have worn out our welcome.

Surprisingly, to Glenda and I and many others, this coming September 1, 2013 represents the 8th anniversary of those sessions which have developed, by God’s working, into Homewords Small Group Bible Study Ministry. The journey has included the study of the Biblical books of Ruth, John, Romans, 1st Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Hebrews and Revelation. Discipleship studies which have included Experiencing God by Henry T Blackaby and Claude King, and the newer version by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King and The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Over the eight years we have also examined, “How to Study the Bible” and basic Biblical Topic such as The Trinity, Sin, Salvation, and Christian Discipleship.

One of our favorites is from one of Glenda’s favorite books. This is an independent book study of The Secret of Effective Prayer by Helen Smith Shoemaker. Glenda coordinated the book study and developed a questions and answer reading guide to assist in following and highlighting the crucial points of the book. Because of the impact of this book, we continue to offer a free copy of the book and the questions remain as a Self-Study at http://www.homewordsministry.wordpress.com. Simply go under the Topic, The Secret of Effective Prayer for instructions.

Our quest to share the lessons outside of the Saturday classes was not originally our intent; it was by God’s hands. We needed to communicate to the original class members by email. Naturally, this was a good time to share with them some basic emphases on the current lessons, as well as sharing items which would expand knowledge of the Bible. As the information of the email form expanded and we began to invite others into the Saturday sessions, we went to a newsletter format. Our son, Pierce Brunson, and a friend Alison Gilbert were adamant that the most effective way to share our information was by Facebook, to which I asked “What’s a Face Book?” On July 11, 2010 we started using Facebook as a closed group to share the message. Again at Pierce’s recommendations, In July 2011, we entered WordPress, at http://www.homewordsministry.wordpress.com and September 2012, we decided that the Facebook “close group” would move to an open “page”.

In early January 2010, shortly before Brother Jim (Bimm) went home to be with the Lord, Homewords Small Group Bible Study Ministery was incorporated as a Non Profit Florida Corporation. This move was purely to allow the group to do basic business such and manage the small contributions we were receiving from time to time, purchase materials, as almost all of our contributions are used to purchase books and materials which are free for anyone who wants them. We are not a 501 (c)(3), as our annual budget remains small and since Glenda and I are employed outside of the ministry, our concentration is getting God’s message and teachings out to others, with no concern about financial income.

I remember that the week we filed for Non Profit Corporation status, I was explaining to Brother Jim why I thought the process was necessary. He was very ill at the time and probably understood that he would soon be making the transition. He started to ask me a question which he never completed. I think he was trying to get me to understand that his time in promoting the Bible study in his home was over. I think the question he was about to ask is, “why are you thinking forward while my time is ending”. I also feel that suddenly we knew that the question of, why we moved forward, was not necessary. God had already moved, and we were just joining Him in his work.

As we celebrate the end of the eight year of Bible Study in the Brimm’s home, we thank God for all that has developed from giving one Bible lesson. We thank Lottie for allowing the meetings to continue. We ask that all who are Involved with this Ministry in any way, pray that we will continue to be obedient to the will and the way of God. Let us thank Him for the privilege to be His children. Let us, thank Him for the gift of His Son Jesus or Savior.

Homewords Small Group Bible Study Ministry

2 thoughts on “Our Story

  1. Vivian Fisher Brown says:

    Praise be to God! Indeed, He has and continues to do great things! The Lord bless you and keep you as we journey on.

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